Monday, April 15, 2024

Spring Notes- Monday April 15th. A Miracle. And a New Post.

 Yes, Dear Readers- I am back and this is a new post.

Perhaps it was Magical Thinking on my part or the crying......either way, I am getting to write a new post and have a new image here and the Sun is shining and the Lawn Guy and I had a lovely chat.  He is looking for someone to do his keeping....  I am tempted.

I had also forgotten how handsome he is. And how tall. And young. Very young.

The pond along side the house is still full of water....the daffodils are looking amazing. The Tree Guy is way way behind due to the days of Rain, Wind and Snow.  In April.

The Sun is shining here in Maine and it's 52 degrees.

Yesterday's Pizza was different but delicious with a side of Romaine and Ranch Dressing .  I am eating my way thru a bag of Orange Slice Candy. I wanted it and I am enjoying it but I won't buy anymore....I like wearing loose pants.

Speaking of loose pants....Son brought all the tubs of clothing down from the Attic...I now have a PILE of moss green corduroy pants in my bedroom and need to find a place to put them.  Various sizes.  I did also find some cotton cropped pants for summer (in the tubs) but not the black ones I like very very much.  I did see them at LLBean on a winter shopping trip and they were asking OVER ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each pair of pants.  I did not buy any.

I am not exaggerating the PILE of pants in my bedroom.  I will be going down later to try pants on and store what I can't wear.....  and wear what I can wear..... and it will all work out.

REALLY HAPPY to be back here....I LOVE A MIRACLE!!!!!



  1. So happy to see you back!!!

  2. I'm so happy that you are back. And I'm enjoying imagining that pile of green pants on your bed.
