Wednesday, April 24, 2024

A Very Cold Spring Note- Wednesday, April 24th. Dentist tomorrow.

 Interesting landscape.

It's a bit dark in the house and there is a chill in the air.   Yesterday my eyes were very dry and made reading and even coloring difficult.....TV was I snacked round the clock.  I hate when that happens and I can't seem to control it....a sort of depressive behavior.

Snap Out of It.

I need to turn on a few lights.  People are still arriving at my neighbor across the street- Staging her House for Sale.  Not actually bringing in furniture-  so it feels ODD.

Was sorting paper and found a letter from 1988 from my husband's long time college roommate.   Years later Doug visited us in Maine...on the day Gary fell thru the roof and into the kitchen of the McDonalds.. he had been climbing up to try and fix something and missed a step on the ladder......after that...we all went out to dinner.  I think Doug might have been on wife three at that the letter he sent to us in Germany he was on wife two.  By now he must be on wife four or five if he is still alive.

I am reading a British book..started it yesterday... This Bird Has Flown by Susanna Hoffs.  They meet on a cross Atlantic flight--seated next to each other in first class.  He's a professor at Oxford and she's an old school Rocker.  Pink hair.  Embarrassing episodes on the iPhone.  She was once pretty famous for singing one song with a very impressive Rocker...naked I think..  They are going to sing that song again--together (in London) for the first time since........ so what about the Oxford Professor after that??????

I have certainly selected a variety of strange stuff this past Library Day.  I stand and just look at the variety of books- one has already gone into the return bag after only one page. and there is another book- nagging at me in the recesses of my brain...I can't recall much about it....

Dentist tomorrow and next week for the "see if the stove fits" visit with the Appliance Guys & Miss Joanne.  Rock On.

1 comment:

  1. I picked up "The Outlaw Noble Salt" by Amy Harmon from the library. Last year read her "Unknown Beloved". I think you might like Harmon's style.
