Friday, March 29, 2024

Winter/Spring Notes- 41 degrees and 89% humidity. Drizzle.

 Postcard from Provence.

Reminds me of my house in Fischbach Germany.  Looking out over green fields.  Frankfurt in the distance. But this is Provence.

Grocery Shopping in the rain....  I got extra ice cream.....son was shocked that I had eaten half of last week's purchase.  I guess .....I got lactate free box of chocolate ones.  

The lactate free yogurt is in limited flavors.....I can only get strawberry rhubarb, raspberry and honey. I do not care for blueberry, lemon or peach.  If the peach was in chunks perhaps but not pureed peaches. they never have cherry.  In season I add pitted sweet cherries to the vanilla bean.

I got string cheese...we'll see.

We got the PERFECT GROCERY PACKER.  Today.  Son was very impressed and so was I when I unpacked the bags.   Very Jenga.

My book for yesterday and today is the Neighbor Favor by Kristina Forest.  Characters are black. And for some reason the author has to hammer this point relentlessly.  I am "color blind" when it comes to race.  I was integrated from K thru five.  I see people. I don't see color.  I am annoyed and might not finish reading the book.  My son would tell me that not everyone is like me...and perhaps they need educating thru literature.  Okay.

I have to turn on the house lights....I sorted some blue fabric...squares...was thinking of hand stitching while watching Missing Without a Trace and CSI NY.  There's no Law and Order.'s all the same blue so needs "something" to contrast....I am not eager to dig around in the sewing room two afternoons in a row.   

Well, I selected books by their covers today....."never judge a book by it's cover"..........I'll let you know how it goes.  Hope it's not raining where you are today.

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