Sunday, March 31, 2024

Winter Spring Notes- Easter Sunday- March 31st. Sunshine and 43 degrees.

 Postcard from Provence

Happy Easter Sunday.

We have nothing scheduled here for the Holiday.  I wasn't reminded that we might want a Baked Ham.  so..we'll just have the usual.  Which is whatever we feel like making.....I still have beets in the fridge to eat.  I finished off the baked sweet potatoes yesterday... We might actually be having PIZZA.

We both LOVE Pizza. On Sunday.  Even without Open Wheel Racing.

The Sun is shining and 43 degrees is hardly WARM.  But it's the Sun so...I am happy.  I still need to wear socks not that warm.   I haven't eaten breakfast as yet so this post will be short....I need to get my oatmeal into the microwave......but not till I hit publish. (causes the screen to flicker)

I spent considerable time yesterday looking for a certain piece of cloth...white with big blue dots.  But No.

It must have come in a package of squares- and that was the only one of it's kind.   Now I have to reorganize my thoughts about what I was going to do.....I do not appreciate when that happens.  I had a PLAN and now whatever I do with NOT be the PLAN so will aggravate me no end.

"get out of your "box", whatever your "box" might be."

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