Sunday, March 03, 2024

Winter Notes- Sunday March 3rd. Clouds. 49 degrees. 99% humidity. Dunkle.

 Victor Higgins.

The side yard has filled with rain water... like the days of old..... Next to the birdbath, in front, a slight dip in the grass is also filled with water.....the small birds are bathing......every so often they all lift into the air- 20 or more and swirl around and then drop to the grass a dance of birds.

No Sun.

Son filled the porch bird feeders....they are out there eating and making mess on the porch.

I think we have too much food.  Or I am not eating enough on a regular basis?????  We don't sit down to eat a meal so that sort of screws things up.  But....I did eat my "massive" (son's opinion) bowl of oatmeal this morning and am finishing my coffee.   I took my daily morning pills.  Nothing much.  Vitamins.  One all purpose and one for Vision.  I also took a Dayquil.   My cough is all but gone...but the dry house air sometimes aggravates my breathing.  There is no phlegm.  Now.  So. things are improving.

Now I am aggravated by my hair.  I have a large number of bobby pins holding it down right now but pretty soon my hair will start escaping.....Slowly but Surely.... I could get it cut but right now I am wanting it a bit longer so I can gather it and forget it.  tidy.  It's anything but "tidy" right now. I look like a Mad Woman.  And my face still looks sad and tired....perhaps that is permanent??? I hope not.

"Be comfortable in your own skin, flaws, foibles, and all"

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