Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Spring Notes- Wednesday March 20th. 45 degrees and cloudy.

 This looks like a cake we used to make when I was in my teens...  The square pan.  It's in the NYT feed that keeps wanting me to subscribe to on line news.  I like newspaper news on my table while I eat my oatmeal.  A real live paper newspaper.  (even though today's sudoko was impossible)

I have to go back and see if this is the vinegar cake....I have a small recipe card for that. I could just use the frosting recipe of this cake on that recipe card cake.....I think it's egg free.

Son has gone to have his car inspected and the oil changed.  At the dealership owned by our next door neighbor.  Well, they own several, including Land Rover and Volvo.  We don't own either of those cars.

We did have a Land Rover.... I actually drove that some of the hours of many vacations... On highways.

It blows my mind that I did that....literally.

Yesterday and today's book is the Burn Out...Sophie Kinsella.   British.  Two burnouts are staying at a falling down resort on the ocean..... She is supposed to be on a "fake" detox regimen and he is sending texts of apology to all the people he yelled at before being sent away from work and drinking Scotch on the beach.  I've read it before...I'm in a different emotional place this reading..... so it has an added layer to it in the reading... of not knowing what to do with........situations you had not planned on. 

I read until Missing Without a Trace comes on CHARGE- 1169 on my cable line up.  Then CSI-NY. the old ones with references to 9-11.  So, I have one load of wash in the dryer and one in the washer and I turned the mattress on my bed........getting back to a more normal existence.

Are you being honest?  About your feelings?

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