Tuesday, March 05, 2024

Daily Notes- Tuesday, March 5th 42 degrees 88% humidity.

 Postcard from Provence.

Dunkle today.  Meaning Dark.   No breeze either.  

I showered and used my Valentine Gift of Grapefruit Shampoo and Conditioner.  Wonderful stuff. My hair hasn't looked or felt this good in years?  fluffy, silky.....  really nice.  Thank you Connie.

I am baking a cake today.....yes, I can't believe it either.  Last thing I baked was the Peach Cobbler.  Which was really very very good.  That was a long time ago....it seems.... but perhaps less than a year? Spring?

I got lost watching ...Missing Persons- CSI?  On Charge channel.  I think it was from 2002.  I might have watched the series on CBS back in the day (22 years ago) but they seem new to me now.  Trying to identify a person from a hand or finger or whatever.......I can't say it's entertaining....but it takes up space in my day...until I can resemble myself again.

So Cake baking....Son made Magic Rice in his little Rice Cooking Machine that makes soft little beeps. He made extra for me.....I had hot dogs yesterday but will have rice today. With some of the vegetables in the "Massive Bag" in the freezer... Son's words.

When I grocery shop my intentions are to EAT.  But then I don't.  Then I just grab bread and cheese and eat that or have soup.  Or drink tea.  Today I took a shower, washed my hair hoping to restart myself.  I even have on one of my long ago favorite shirts...a faded red....I haven't worn in YEARS.... it didn't fit. It's loose. Now.

I also did a load of laundry.....seems odd not to do the Washing Machine Pages as the machine runs...all on it's own- unsupervised.  So many Life Style Changes in so Little Time.  On to Baking A Cake............

"Practice being open and fully present"

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