Friday, February 16, 2024

Winter Notes- Friday February 16th. 27 degrees and fresh snow.

 Petunias.   I spent a few minutes cleaning out the picture file.  No pictures of snow.

I watched the the interrogation of the District Attorney charging Donald Trump....oh, my goodness. And then I watched a group of Black Women on MSNBC (why was this interrogation shown on tv????) tear the guy questioning her to bits......I enjoyed that part.

The women on MSNBC and I- were puzzled by the interrogator not understanding why a woman would keep CASH money in the house........gosh- in case some guy decided to beat one of us up...???? In case we need to a safe place?   In case we were born women and not men?????

I'll let that dog ..lie.

Well, I am awake way too hair is a wild mess of white.....I haven't eaten breakfast........I didn't read yesterday as the house air is dry and made my eyes dry.....and to tell the truth....I was tired and didn't feel well.   At one point I even thought I had a fever.....but could not locate the don't know.

I found a new show to watch on regular tv....Tracker.  Nice looking man. Sad face.  I liked when he was rescuing the little boy who was chained to a truck bed......he explained how they were going to jump from the truck to the water way below and he was going to hold on to the boy until the man's arm or shoulder broke...... so....pretty honest and straightforward.  I set the Tivo to record the next two episodes. I do not watch much on regular tv- just PBS and Wheel of Fortune.

22 children and adults shot in Kansas City- news people mentioned they thought Taylor Swift would be in the parade. Instead a kid with a machine gun adapter on a hand gun......easy to buy in Kansas. legally.


  1. Oh wow this is amazing! A really beautiful media piece of work. What gorgeous flowers they are. Barbxx
