Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Winter Notes- Tuesday, January 23rd. 36 degrees and cloudy.

 I need to work on the picture file here on the desk top.  I also need to work on the desktop calendar page- paste some images down on it.  Two full weeks are blank. Absolutely blank. Cause nothing happens.

Which is actually a very very nice thing....because with husband... things were happening 24/7 and it was actually wearing my nerves to a fine point.

I am going to lunch with my Lunch Buddy today.  It's hard to say which of us is more excited about this "date". We really enjoy each other's company......and the wine.  We do enjoy the wine.

So, I eventually made it into the "office" room and looked in the closet.....plenty of cloth in there and not in containers......I also found a Chinese Cat cloth that I had been doing needle turn edges on...so I decided to bring it over to the Sitting On My Butt All Day Couch and do some sewing.......eventually.  TV, Reading And Now Sewing.   Triple the Fun.  

I am wearing my everyday for the past five years...pants....the waist has always been a problem...it's still a problem but in a new way as it is now very very loose...and it used to be very very tight. And I have no clue as to where my belt has gone.  The corduroy surface of the pants has mostly been worn away- very smooth on the backside and getting there on the front as well....wearing itself thin....I doubt Bean makes the pants anymore...and if they do they are Stretch Corduroy and are more like pajama pants...  Not a Fan.  I took two of husband's cord pants and put them on my chair.....I haven't tried them on as yet....so I  don't know how many changes I will need to make so they fit me....and sewing layers of corduroy- make my machine very very unhappy.  Which makes me say very very bad words.  And I am not in the mood for that.....one pair is black corduroy and would "go with everything" as they say.....I think I wore them the week G died.  To go out to dinner.  or...that was my own pair of black cords- they were very baggy. Then. Now...I would need suspenders to hold them up.

My RN (nurse) friend said I needed to get out of the damn house.....I did. She actually used the "f" word. And that word was appropriate also.....I did need to get out......I know it's going to take more time before I even feel normal again....... I let the package of bagels go too long- they are spotted with blue mold... I think I might also be getting moldy.

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