Thursday, January 11, 2024

Winter Notes- Thursday, January 11th. Sunshine and 39 degrees

 Postcards from Provence----Bread and Water.

I started the day with a hot shower and freshly washed hair.  Old woman white as Snow hair.  Getting longer and weirder as the weeks go by.  I am hoping to pull it all into a topknot with a rubber band next year?  Right now it amazes me with it's ability to curl..... I am just starting to value having curly hair. About time!!!

So.....what's new?  Sunshine is new..... Melted snow is new........Actually finishing a project- making work mittens out of wool socks for my new.

Another storm on it's way so we might be going to do grocery shopping today and not on Monday. We actually have very little in the fridge to eat right would be in our best interests to do a shop today. I have one yogurt, a few slices of cheese (but no bread for a toasted cheese with pickles) sour cream, milk, pickles and 6 eggs.  I have oatmeal.  I could make pancakes.  We need pizza stuff..

We lost most of the freezer contents on the first 3 day per outage.  We didn't have the generator going fast enough to keep the freezer cold.  And then we did ...but it was too late.  Large things were okay but small items thawed out.  Big Bag for the garbage men.

I am asking my sister in law to resend the info on the free wheeling appliqué...  I seem to have deleted it.  I actually thought I had just moved it...but no.  Stuff happens.

My Son says if I used the CLOUD I would still have it- along with every other piece of crap that ever appeared on this cannot get rid of anything once you Cloud it.  I know...I spent quite awhile getting that to disappear.  Right now I get messages 24/7 about the Cloud on my iPhone which I delete.......NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN. Even with their threats.....see, that's what I don't like...the threats that I will lose everything.....I got nothing left to lose on the phone. Zero. I delete everything..

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