Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Winter Notes- Post number 4482- Light bead sized snow, Temps in the 20's

 The Weather People always threaten us with this much snow....then we get hardly enough to cover the still green grass.  We used to get this much....always.  Not now...

I have a smear of blood on my desktop calendar-- another of the big fat black flies... Sat on my keyboard and it was the very last thing he will ever do in his Fly Lifespan.  He's now smashed compost.

I have yet to find out where they come from...this is the third year of waiting around for them to show up and then smacking them to death with the fly swatter.   Daughter thinks from the Cutsie Cabinet next to the fireplace we will never use...for fire wood storage and a neat pass thru from a garage pile of dry wood.

Maine homes were originally supposed to have two sources of heat....furnace and fireplace.   Because electricity was never a SURE THING.  Now the two sources are furnace and generator but every home on the street has a fireplace.....and when they light them up- I cannot breath.  Smoke shuts my windpipe down.

Daughter thinks the flies have found a spot to sleep in the fire wood pass thru.  I taped all the open edges of the cabinet doors closed...... but they might have already gotten in.

I have a few more "might be great" books to read and I ordered a book (from Library) recommended to me by a woman standing in front of the romance section of a new to me bookstore.... We exchanged titles of favorite books.  I have a few more to add to my new list.

Now to find something to make with my cabbage.

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