Monday, January 29, 2024

Winter Notes- Monday, January 29th. 33 degrees and 86% humidity. SNOW.

 Postcards from Provence

I found more images and  these new ones have lighter backgrounds.  I like how the peach of the surface reflects into the underside of the lemon.

Well, neither of the football games went the way we thought, did they?  In the Lions game they seemed to have lost focus and in the second poor decision and.....they'll be thinking about that for the rest of the winter.   Lions and Ravens....oh, my.

We had Football Pizza and decided to put the pepperoni on top of the cheese instead of under... and I guess this is how it's done everyone but me????? I will be switching to pepperoni on top.... wonder-filled.

Snow- the wet heavy stuff came down overnight.  Son cranked up the snowblower and got things cleaned up while I was still sleeping. The "culture shock" of California to Maine is something.....I admire him so MUCH for the generator, the power outages and now the ice on the steps and the wet snow- every week.  There was no way I could do any of this on my own.  There is no way I can live here alone....... and I love this house.

But to be honest--I have loved ALL my houses.  All six of them.  And I have been sad to leave them when we moved.  So.....I won't like it but I know I will be moving...eventually.

I've gone three full days without reading a book.  I've done the morning paper sudoko puzzles.  This morning I got two maybe three numbers...... I slept all night without a cough fit....and my chest feels clear right now.  I might actually be able to get thru the day without coughing and wetting my pants. TMI.

I've been thinking about making a  dessert but then I think...why?  Lots of my thinking ends up in why? Well, that's it for today... the snow in the trees looks very black and white like a Ansel Adams photo. I wish I could take a picture and transfer it here...but the old iPhone can't do that actually can't do much of anything anymore.  Sort of like me.

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