Saturday, December 30, 2023

Winter Notes- Saturday. December 30th. Careful What you Say- It's SNOWING

 Another Image from Postcards From Provence.  Julien Merrow-Smith.

It's Snowing here in Maine- Not sticking as the ground is still warm-ish.  Son filled the porch bird feeders. We get regular the Bird Feeder Rule is "if you start, you must continue" especially in Winter.  If birds are feeding at one spot and then you stop---they go without food until they find another feeder or a Winter tree with berries.  Otherwise- they starve.

The ONE TIME I was asked (allowed) to do the Bird Class at the Greenhouse I was very strong in my thoughts about Feeding Birds.  My employer never let me teach that particular class again.  I also have water available near the Winter I carry my electric tea pot out to fill the frozen birdbath with hot water-  melting the ice.  It freezes again but ...the ice they peck is fresh.  In Spring, I dump and fill  the bird baths every day (with cold water) as they are ALL needing a BATH.

I know..."regular pain in the ass".  I am the poster child for the sign VIRGO.

So...what are you all doing?  Son and I are working on eating/finishing the Christmas Food. Thank Goodness we did NOT bake cookies...... 

Son has just had his Lunch and I had just finished my oatmeal before he came down.  We are not on the same meal schedule.  He has a four hour rotation????I am not sure about that.  I do know it's four separate meal times and one of those is a snack.  I think he has a reminder on his phone.  He feels my "no schedule" eating is worrisome.... as I am not eating the prepared food in the fridge as he expected... I do get around to every so often but not "regular".  But somedays, I just like TOAST.

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