I managed to have saved an image for TODAY.
We did a Full Day of European Traditional Pierogi Making and Cooking Yesterday. Results were Delicious!!!!! I got to add a few tips to son's management of the entire meal. And I offered to crimp the edges of each filled pasta rectangle. My Artistic Abilities.
Today the house smells of onions and butter...We smell the same. I took two showers and hope my hair isn't stinky.....we are invited down the street for Christmas Prime Rib and other delicious food and drink. Gary and I went last year and I met the Twin's Grandmother. We had a delightful conversation. She has passed as has Gary so- today's lunch with be more subdued. Missing them both.
Overcast today with no sunshine..... 44 degrees. Lovely for Maine. A large percentage of the small Maine Population is still suffering the losses of the recent wind and rain storm. Bridges still out. Houses that flooded and ruined the small amount of gifts under the trees....family and friends being missed because they are still missing in the flood waters.... It's a Snowless Maine December......
We are not doing a Tree or Gifts. In Truth, just being together is gift enough for all of us.
Football games yesterday and then some saved Hallmark Movies. Ones I love. Then to all a Good Night.
Wishing you all a DRY, WARM and Happy Christmas......
I know how strange this first Christmas can be, and your loss is so very recent, but I still follow you every day, and I hope that you are finding some peace and happiness in this upside down Christmas. Hugs, Angie