Sunday, December 10, 2023

Winter Notes- December 10th. Two football Games and Sunday Pizza.

 More Marjorie Thompson.

Chilly here in the house today...Feels like an open window somewhere.

Two football games and now the third one.  Kansas City- not appreciate KC.  But the Buffalo Bills- ugh.   Son has gone to sort his freshly washed socks etc.  He's saving himself for the later game.

Sunday Pizza had new to us (here at home) toppings.  We should have put the tiny sausage balls on top to get crispy.  Might need to put the cheese down first and then toppings.......always trying to do a better job. During the reheating -- I could be talked into picking out the sausage balls and putting them on top.

My book Charm City Rocks...damn fine book.  Good characters.  Good romantic possibilities.  And a Steinway Grand Piano.  Not even half way in...many things can and will happen.

My EYE bruise continues to lower on my right cheek.....Still dark all around the eye socket. A significant amount of blood settling in the tissue.....over time.  Nothing hurts.  Pressing into the bone under the eyebrow- hurts.  I am going to grocery tomorrow- will see how many people stop stare and point.  It's significant...... this eye of mine.  

I am feeling like SOUP will be my choice for the coming WEEK.  Sigh.  What kind of Soup???? I need celery.  I have carrots and onion and one potato.  Might need a second potato.  Might actually enjoy Baked Potatoes...sour cream..chives....sounds good.  What I really want is Fried Breaded Eggplant.

I could also go for a big pot of pasta with a meatless that all week.

It's a huge undertaking to prep and then bread and cook.....last time I did it...was the first week of COVID. Old School COVID.  I had the tv tuned to the classic rock station (on tv) and was dancing and cooking..... I recall it being a very happy day....exhausting...but happy.  And of course there was the Pantry Supply List we were all case the grocery store had NO FOOD.  Oh, those good old days.

What are you all eating?????

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