Friday, November 10, 2023

Winter Notes- Friday, November 10th. Snow has melted but it's cold outside.

 It's cold and it's a Soup Day as far as I am concerned.

Son is thrilled with the Fiber Optics- I might have it wrong but he is spending more time up in his Den than down here so I think it's all working up -wise.  He also has games he plays on the big screen tv.  Boy stuff.

Daughter was here and put in the sticks that ID where the driveway and sidewalks are- when covered in Snow so our "new to us guy" who will plow and shovel can find them.  As a side treat- the sticks are made of fiberglass and daughter wasn't wearing I helped her get the fiberglass threads out of her took awhile.  Packing tape applied and then rapidly torn off to the rescue. Gloves next time.

Because ...just doing something is always more complicated than we think it will be.

I finished the book I had started- days until past midnight....then slept....I can't even express how wonderful it is to sleep all interruptions.  Husband -never could sleep thru the night since mid September.  Was always getting up and falling....2am etc...and at the very end- son and I were up most all the time.  So...sleeping all night....I can't get enough of it.

It's cold and dark at 10:48.   Sidewalks are wet.  I am going to choose a new book for today.  Library or bookcase....not sure yet where I will be choosing.  Yet.

1 comment:

  1. My husband gets up 2-3 times a night to either go to the bathroom or to sleep in the recliner. His shoulders are bad and he has rotten sleep which, in turn, makes my sleep rotten. Last summer I slept in the spare bed and got GOOD sleep. I may have to return to it.
