Sunday, November 05, 2023

Lost In the Field Notes--- Wandering.......Taking advantage of NOT KNOWING what comes next.

 Not this pie- A Maine Blueberry Pie from May's Bakery in Bath.  From the newest neighbor on my street- Next door.  She had seen the ambulances over the weeks coming and going.... We had a nice chat..getting to know each other.  They moved here from San Diego.  I thought they were from Colorado.

I got the full picture of the Horrors of what went on with the house restoration...remember me crabbing about the 7am wake up each morning with pounding hammers and nail guns?  It was way worse than that.

And while we were talking...the doorbell and son had a lovely informative chat with the Fiber Optics  salesperson.  This is what he needs to be happy here in Backwoods Maine.... Fiber Optics.  Okay. I think this is part of the Biden tech infrastructure bill for states that have no infrastructure.  Maine. Has zero.

I watched a Hallmark Christmas Movie.. son shuttered and left the room. He wonders about the genetics of our relationship.....which always makes me laugh.  I REALLY AM HIS Mother. 

I forgave him long ago for vomiting all over me several times each day....for months, maybe even years.

I had the last of the NYT Soup for supper and plan to make more after our grocery shopping tomorrow.  I have a long list of things we need. My Lunch Buddy made the NYT soup with beef broth instead of chicken- it's what she had.....and she didn't have green beans....neither did I.....I had the remains of several assorted bags of frozen vegetables and used them all.....I liked the potatoes but my Lunch buddy does NOT like potatoes of any kind she added beans. I also added beans.

I keep thinking it's Monday....but it wasn't Monday yesterday and it isn't Monday today.

It's been a week...since..... seven days......and it feels like LONGER.......but how can that be?


  1. Before I knew it it's been almost 12 years...seems to go by so fast these days

  2. then he would have been horrified that I enjoyed a couple of 'horror Christmas" movies the other day LOL
