Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Good Morning. Rained overnight. Daughter's friend got the acorns off the driveway.

 I am thinking of finding rocks and painting them.  Seriously, thinking about rocks.

A friend of daughter came by and used husband's blower thing and got the acorns off the driveway. They were a danger for me walking on them- rolling etc.  Could have a roll and fall accident. Landing on my head. Coma.  Lots of things to worry about.  Now they are gone....until more fall out of the trees.

I am exhausted.  I already cried and its not even...well, its 8:44.  I cried earlier. And now I hope I'm done for the day.   My neck muscles are tight and  painful. The crying is like a pressure valve thing.... letting go and then being able to get through the day.  Nothing is normal.

I have on the same clothes as yesterday and the day before.  Clean underwear. Not different from any other day, week or month in years........ same clothing...

I made a cup of instant coffee and have some stale bread (no blue mold) in the Toaster for breakfast. Last night the area rugs got rolled and moved to the second bedroom.  The AC units are out of the windows. Acorn Removal Guy....very good at doing these things. I learned yesterday that he is very good at making candy as well....but isn't happy making candy.  Clearing acorns off the driveway- he was happy.

I recall mention of DUMP GUY to come get stuff..........old broken office chair, stained carpet etc.

No idea what is happening or not happening today.....I can no longer process new info. Banker said not to bother filling out the Medicaid Form...we would NEVER qualify for it.  Medicare..yes.

I am really really tired...and I just got out of bed....I would like to get back into bed...sleep some more.  But my toast is ready..... so I'd best eat breakfast and try to read the newspaper headlines......but I would prefer to go back to bed..... like for all day....and maybe even tomorrow.

Hospital bed....arrival time unknown.  Will have an getting out of bed. In middle of the night.  He has stopped eating.....does drink water...I recall this from being with my Dad.  

1 comment:

  1. Crying is a good release!!! Have you tried a heating pad for your neck? and those Salonpas Pain Relieving Patch? I lived on those when I was going through my mom stress? Get the small ones, not the large ones.
    You are going through a lot of stress and change ... wish we out here could help more
