Saturday, September 30, 2023

Field Notes- Checkin in. The 4 to 5am Can't Breathe Thing...Me not him. Terrifying.

 The right side of my neck is tight.  Very very tight- where ALL the tension stays. I need to apply Arnica.

I almost choked to death last night...could not get my breath.  Panic. Lots of Panic. 4 am. till 5 am.

When I finally got my breath- saw husband sitting in bedside chair- scared. I got up and found my rescue inhaler and used it more than the recommended amount of times.  It was like drowning....I could not get oxygen into my lungs.

I am fine now.  Oatmeal and Sweet Tea for breakfast and lots of Inhaler. Perfect Storm.

On my walk to the street for the morning paper, I decided to pull the junky looking annuals out of two pots and shake off the soil on their roots.  I walked to a side weedy patch in the back and threw the plants there.  

I tried the method for restoring the volume to the TiVo:following the directions twice.  Nothing say I was disappointed is a vast understatement. I set husband dup with the "As SeenOn TV Sound Amplifier" to watch a Jackie Chan movie.  The notes inside the packaging were about how to get your money back for the purchase of this item.  Husband said it worked.  Good enough.

I am hoping daughter stops by today or tomorrow as I have bills I would like to have taken to postoffice. No one on the street has any idea if or when the Post Office delivers mail. And there is a Grifter taking mail from street side mailboxes to get ID and credit card numbers.....well, there is possibly more than one of  Grifter..

Many "accidents" which required several washing machine usages.. and a shower for him- which worked best if I was also in the shower.. I am so thankful that I bought this new wonderful March. 

Well, I need more very sweet hot tea, Arnica and the heating pad......and it would be grand if I fell asleep. Rescue inhaler in my pocket.  Good to go.  Husband is now afraid I will die.......sigh. I said I would not.

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