Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Field Notes- Tuesday, August 15th. Drizzle. Wet Morning. 66 degrees.

 In august, the internet has so many garden vegetable images.   The almost ripe tomatoes going into the paper bag to ripen.   The basil.   Just a sprig picked off the tall plant to add to the tomatoes.

What I would have been doing ......in other distant years.....but not now.

I feel that distance so much these last days and weeks of Summer.  My garden out back is filled with weeds and False Artichoke.   The tall Sunflowerish yellows and under ground the choke.  I watched a cooking show last Saturday and the Italian cook peeled and sliced one of these "chokes" into the vegetable risotto she was making..... I've also read that the "chokes" are very "gassy" when eaten.

I just finished reading a book that made me cry.  Nancy Thayer. Now I am reading Mary Alice Munroe.  Not sure I will finish this book.  It's a book about the virus and how people dealt with it. I've read it before and I think I might let this one go.  Start another.

I need to turn on lights....it's dark in the house.  Seems like evening.  Before 9am.

I uncovered my container plantings....no bees under the netting this morning......the grass was wet. It must have rained during the night.  Not much more to write.  A dark, cool rainy day in August. A good day to sleep late and then take a nap.

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