Friday, August 25, 2023

Field Notes- Friday, August 25th. Cooler and Raining- Quite a bit.

 So things are very wet outdoors.   Which is other summers have been exceptionally DRY. I am reminded of the Great Grass Growing Project a few summers ago......having the sprinkler on it even day.

I have the house lights on, a good book to read and lots of fresh Summer Fruits and Vegetables to eat. Cook and Eat.  Today, thin sliced zucchini fried in a pan until "just right".   I ate this during the Elimination Diet when we (doctor and I) were trying to find out what foods I should NOT be eating. I loved the chicken and ginger broth.  With rice noodles.  Cooked on slow for hours and hours. The noodles added at the very end in the bowl of soup.   I had a terrible rash near my eye and was on steroids for weeks.

The beet smoothies were okay but I only made it ONCE.  And then had to really clean out the Vitamix. The Carrot and Raw Cashew Soup was really let the Vitamix run until the soup was smoking hot.  Very creamy and delicious.  The Rice Flour Banana Muffins were gritty, dry and so very weird.  No egg no nothing.  Rice Flour and mashed ripe bananas I think...then baked.  I am not sure I kept the recipe.

You eat like this for three weeks actually do not want to repeat.  The rash went away. It was moving close to my doctor and I were pretty worried as I could have lost the use of that eye.

The only recipe I repeat is the thinly sliced zucchini in the pan with a bit of olive oil.  I also made zucchini noodles.  Thinly sliced in this noodle machine and left to dry for 8 hours or much longer.....then mixed into a stir fry.  Yes...I lost a ton of weight. Most of it was water weight.   I started out ALL bloated and puffy.  I ended up stick thin in less than three weeks.  I was very very sick.  One of many at the greenhouse where I was working.  

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