Monday, July 17, 2023

Field Notes- Monday, July 17th. Torrential Rain yesterday- everything soaking wet this morning.

 Well, we finally got BIG RAIN.  And it was INTENSE.  I assume places had flooding but not here--on my street..... we are fine but very very wet.  And no Sun.  Which is great as Sun would mean humidity.

I can't see the lawn guy coming to cut soaking wet grass. Today.........but the fertilizer is possibly actually doing something good to the grass......Tru Green came at the optimum time.  For once.

The Twins Dad came to visit with the DOG yesterday afternoon.  I think the DOG wanted to come see us.  And at the same time, across the street neighbor called- wanting to "borrow" vanilla extract.  I had just enough.  G took it over- and then forgot what she was making that needed vanilla.

The new neighbors (purchased the Drug House last weekend) are from Kentucky and are expecting a baby in October. They have quite a bit of work to get done before the house is livable.  All the carpets and probably the under flooring will need to be removed and replaced (cat pee).  Also the three bathrooms will need to be updated if they still have any cash....... I think the entire house is shag carpet- 80"s- and has been peed on by several indoor cats-for years.  A homeowner with memory loss and three cats.....not a happy picture. I think every room has wallpaper as well...... very 80's.

Information regarding my neighbor across the street- she is planning to sell HER house and move to where ever her daughter and family are lots of moving parts on a street that hasn't had any moving parts in decades. Now, suddenly moving parts galore.

For some reason we got up early......I have no idea why. It's gonna be a long long day..........

Lawn mowing is happening!!!!!!

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