Friday, July 14, 2023

Field Notes- Friday, July 14th. Rain overnight (not much), clouds......more rain coming. 74 degrees

It's damp and wet outside.  I went out to unwrap my planter boxes- to keep Deer from using them as Salad Bars..and everything was damp.  I watered yesterday as it seemed like the day might warm up...

The Furnace People (here in Maine it's called the Boiler) are coming to do the annual service (it's part of the payment contract).  Tru Green was here yesterday......he knocked on the door and spoke to me...then on the paper invoice (stuck in the door)- it read- "knocked on the door but you were not home".  Really, I am not making this shit up.  Grass will be cut on Monday.....not yesterday.  G and I looked but couldn't tell if they had mowed or not.  It was not.

I watched the Weather Channel and see we are in for rain and thunder and lightning today. Temps will stay in the 70's.  High and low 70's........Maine is not in the Bright Red the rest of the US is suffering. Vermont got flooded.....and then mudslides........several roads north of me got washed out (in previous rain) happens as they typically, here in Maine, just put asphalt down on sand.  It's the way they do..... Like having old wobbly trees next to the power lines.......and shocked!!!!! when the tree takes the pole down. Just so shocked!!! Maine has spend MORE to replace downed power lines than it would have cost to dig a trench and bury them......... years ago.  Perhaps 100 times what it costs.  Maine.  sigh. 

I never really thought we would stay here thirty plus years.  Ah, the SUN has burned thru the cloud cover...  

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