Monday, June 26, 2023

Field Notes- Monday, June 26th. Dismal, Damp Clouds....chance of Rain. No chance of Pie.

 Just back from a Doctor's visit.   New doctor. New office.  I also have a printout of my weight.  Not happy to see the number on that paper.  Without a regular exercise program...I don't see how it will change.  I actually don't eat that much but...enough to maintain the weight.  I guess.

We discussed tree work on the way to and house values on the way back.  

Now I wait a bit before we head out to the normal Monday Events.   Library and Grocery.  Husband is napping on the couch.  Library isn't open until 10am.  It's 9:46.

I am having a cup of coffee.  It's dark in the house...I turned on lamps.  Deer ate half the annuals in the back deck planter.  Even with the repellent.  Husband thinks the chipmunks ate the 

Grass is growing.  Getting pretty tall and when daughter's guy cut it...mower was set too high.  I would cut the front...but mosquitos........with it being cloudy and damp...the mosquitos are voracious.

Even though I have recently been shocked by my actual weight.....I am still considering pie.

What's happening where you live?  Are your property values going up or down?  How do you feel about your weight.....?   How do you deal with mosquitos?   

I might need a nap.


  1. I was disgusted with my weight and a high A1C. Dr put me on a new diabetes med that has a side affect of weight loss. I’ll take that. Our property taxes are making me mad: too high for a senior citizen. We have a lot of sunshine, unlike Maine. I keep any standing water dumped out so there isn’t a breeding spot. I also use Dr Bronzer’s peppermint soap and that helps too. Sounds like you need to put your annuals inside a full cage. We have 2 mowers: a riding and a self propelled one. The DH didn’t empty out the gas in the little mower for the winter and now it’s in the shop to get the carburetor rebuilt. That is the one I use for the small patch of lan I the front. I don’t know if it will handle the height of the grass once we get it back. As that great person Roseann Rosaanadanna said, “ If it’s not one thing it’s another. “

  2. I am going to try the peppermint soap if my store has it- next Monday.
    Yes, property taxes are high and we don't actually benefit from schools etc. Library, yes.

    He drove the riding over the gas can BUT the walk behind is still useable. We just need to adjust the height.
    I want the grass shorter. The New guy I Contacted cuts it hasn't gotten to us as yet.
    Perhaps next week or the week after.
