Wednesday, May 03, 2023

Field Notes- Overcast, Dismal, Wet, Dreary, Dark........May 3rd. Ick, Poo.

 My (in my 70's) style choices.  If I were to redecorate.  If I was assuming I could sit down this low and actually get my knees to work to get up off this low "couch" without a fork-lift.  Def needing forklift.

Dentist.  It was a "look see" to see how bad things were and I had assumed we would do work-- nope..  $158.  $50 co-pay.  I had two X-rays.  I'm coming back for the FIX in June.  Nothing To See Here.  Nothing was Hurting.  He poked.  Nothing.  Could have been. Happy there wasn't.

I had a NEW list of books for Mercedes.  She is a tech who has cleaned my teeth.  We bonded over books. Gave her a list of books to read. She loved Lessons in Chemistry.  Me, too.

Then Grocery - parking lot was PACKED ...... Crazy.  I had a discussion on the Hot Sauced Crispy Chicken Nuggets @ the Hot Bar........with a young man in a red tee shirt.  He confessed to being addicted to the hot sauce covered nuggets....and he was actually buzzing with excitement.  I told him to stand down- I was only interested in the plain ones......we laughed.

I sincerely wish I could have talked to young men this easily when I was actually YOUNG.  It would have been FUN.   I could have had FUN.  Of course I was an idiot when I was young.  So perhaps...not. I did talk to young men like this when I was a teacher's aide in the local high school.  And it was Fun.

There was one prepared Chicken Parm Dinner with a large piece of chicken.  So I got that.  Nuggets and and the Prepared Dinner.  Husband had the last of his Chicken Soup.  I showed him the large box of coffee pods- he said he was OUT. Then he had to "arrange them" in the BIG GLASS JAR.

Husband has been reading my blog...he was making comments on the drive into Town. On the speed, the traffic light, where to turn etc.  He usually is silent.  And the tone was slightly teasing and slightly testy. I mentioned I should give driving his Jeep a "trial run".....he said yes right away. O.M.G.  I told him just on this street and maybe just in the driveway.  I have driven his other large vehicles......there was one Jeep that was huge, black and I had to climb up to get in......I LOVED THAT ONE....but the engine crapped out once it reached 100K.  

I also loved the beat up Toyota Pick Up Truck.  I drove that until it started to traction on snow or ice I discovered driving home one night......  Squirrels nested in the electronics over that Winter.  Chewed thru all the wires. We sold it for $500.  Guy got it going. Drove it. I think he shopped for parts at junkyards.  Toyota had just put an entirely NEW FRAME in the truck.  Lawsuit or something.  Free.

Well, the puzzle we were working on (finished yesterday) is going in the box and he'll lay out the pieces for a new one. Do the frame (edges) and then work on it a bit.  I brought home a weekly paper with a Word Search Puzzle- can win a prize... so he did that and mail guy just arrived to take it.....good timing.

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