Saturday, April 01, 2023

Field Notes- Saturday, April First. Happy Fool's Day. It's raining...Will be raining all day, I think.

 I have a few shrubby trees that might benefit from this type of "pruning".  

It's 11:35.  I didn't sleep well.  Things from my Past were bothering me.  There is nothing I can do about these bothersome things/events.  Nothing.  I have forgiven them.  But.........some injuries never really heal.

I did two loads of Washing Machine Pages yesterday but ran out of things to write well before the second load was in the dryer- so I did something I rarely, if ever, do... I walked away.  Then came back. I folded the first dry load and then came back later to fold the second.

I made another pot of chicken soup for husband.  He worked on the puzzle I got for him from the most recent Library visit.  I wish we had more of them but 300 piece puzzles are in short supply and the 500 and 1000 piece ones are way way too confusing.  I didn't type difficult.  Because it's more that they confuse him.

I think these massive Library puzzles with tiny pieces might be "gifts" that older people get from friends and family. And then they get donated to the Library Puzzle Collection.  My neighbor gets lots of catalogs during holiday times and is often away and I collect her mail.  She is okay with me looking at the many catalogs she gets.  Some had puzzles.  But all were in the 500 to 1000 piece size.   I have no problem buying puzzles for he does them over and over again-  forgetting is sometimes a good thing......but circulating only 5 or 6 puzzles- he does recall them... and NOW he doesn't read books.

So...finding him "things to do" is getting more difficult.  He seems to be less interested in his coloring books right now....but still enjoys his word search puzzles.  When I ask how things are going....he mentions being confused and not "understanding" things.  I think that is what happened with reading. 

So he is aware of what is happening. Not for long and not always...but I need to be careful how I phrase questions now......not to make him feel "less" as this loss continues and builds.  Erodes????

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