Saturday, April 15, 2023

Field Notes- Saturday, April 15th. Breakfast. Bill Paying. Sunshine. 61 degrees.

 My Grandmother grew roses like this.....her "secret" for growing roses was cow manure.  Lots of it. In fact, her secret for all of the gardens ...manure.

I gave up on roses.  No matter how I tried to protect them...the deer who wander into my yard (at night) love to eat roses..... this Spring- when someone strong volunteers to help in the garden (it could happen) The roses will become food for the compost bins.

About my (rash isn't a perfect term) it's more a series of red welts and bubbles filled with air.  The bubbles are empty.  Just air inside. They ITCH. I have looked on the internet but find nothing like this.  I had it once before- in Winter (we had a Christmas Tree) and the air bubbles were larger, extremely itchy, empty and darker.  Hot Water and Calamine Lotion and by morning..nothing to see.  What is happening now.... not as itchy, more welts and some bubbles.  After the really hot shower and calamine lotion they are gone.  Until bedtime. Same as the others two Decembers ago....nothing to see in the morning.  A lack of evidence. To show a doctor. Other than an iPhone photo.

Mystified.  This patches, fewer bubbles and not AS itchy.

Like the last strange foods, clothing, new came and it went.  This time it's staying longer. Whatever is getting it still present.

Bills...writing checks.  Not the most fun but gotta do it.

I haven't been reading.  I need to get back into it.  I also need to put on socks.  Even though wool socks itch.  And I only have Smart Wool socks.  

Are you all enjoying the Justice Thomas Soap Opera?????  Just proves that no matter how you try to keep something a secret- it still manages to surface....perhaps at the very Best of Times?

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