Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Field Notes- Wednesday, March 29th. Sunshine. Still patches of Snow.

 I pasted something over the artist's name for this (on the desk calendar).  I need to do better.

I paid bills.  Post Office picked them up.  Today I am going to the Town Office to pay Property Tax Bills. Ours and Daughter's.   She is finishing up her last week at the Candy Factory and then will be working on Landscaping.  There is a chance she and George will be driving down to Trader Joes.  His car wouldn't make it.  So they are going in her car.

I watched some news.  I started reading a book.  I read it once before and don't think it will hold my attention but...who knows.  The most recent Will Trent book is waiting for me at the Library.  I did watch last night's episode of Will Trent.  Will and the little was very much like the books.  The woman on the show- the one Will is involved with- is Angie.  It was interesting to see Faith, her mom and Amanda.  They got those character's right.  In the books, Will would NEVER wear a brown three piece suit. Just so you know.

In the book I just finished which went back and forth from Jeffery to Will, the author had her final say on Jeffery.......listed all the women he had slept with while cheating on his wife Sara.  I am guessing the author wants to be done with that story line. Me, too.

We are getting ready to go....husband is waiting by the door.  

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