Sunday, March 19, 2023

Field Notes- Sunday March 19th. Sunshine. Warm. Streets, Sidewalks and Drive are Clear and Dry.

 I had to go walking on the soggy back lawn to get this photo for you.   This area is close by the Septic System.  Warm.

So...something very very weird happened yesterday while I was going thru the cable tv stations to find something to watch.  I found a weird station.  Call letters but no name.  And it is showing Fringe.  In fact, one of the first episodes.   I remember watching this show.  It was on a station we didn't get but somehow...I don't remember, we watched it......and now...again.  A strange to me station and we get it.  It's a weekend thing.  I watched.  Then I cleaned out a bunch of stuff from the TiVo so I would have room to set it to record Fringe.  I'm not sure how long it will "appear" in the tv log but....however long..I will watch and record.  It's kind of wonderful.  In a creepy way.

I had no idea the bald headed guy was in the very first episodes.  And I had forgotten about people's heads exploding brain and blood all over..... it's pretty strange. I remember so much of it....

And if THAT isn't weird.  I think I mentioned, here, a woman walking past the house pointing at our roof. Where an animal had walked from a top corner in a straight diagonal to the opposite lower corner.  Well, she also took a picture... and she finally decided to come knock on the door and ask about it.

I told her it happens every Winter and some times it's a larger animal. This year a smaller one.  Squirrel we think.  One year, we were pretty positive a deer had walked across.  Raccoons used to be in the yard on the regular back in the day.  Also, huge male deer.  HUGE.  With antlers as wide as he was tall.  This house has always been.....rather "special" if that is a good word for it.

She plans to send her photo to a local news station.  G and I didn't try and stop her. We refused to give her our names. But I think it's easy enough to find on her own.

I also made another pot of Chicken Soup.  And today in the grocery ads I see Chicken thighs are 99 cents again.  I plan on getting TWO packages.  Stocking up the freezer.  I need all the pieces and parts for Chicken Soup.....onions, carrots, celery and noodles.  The Pantry shelves, Fridge and Freezer have gone bare. This is what happens, I guess, when one cooks........ ?????

That's it for today.....I might be making Basketball Pizza today.  And NOT watching a game. I watched a local girls high school game and the amount of unsportsmanlike conduct was enough to put me off basketball forever.

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