Monday, March 06, 2023

Field Notes- Monday, March 6th. Sunshine, 42 degrees, where the snow wasn't shoveled- ice.

 Lady bug. Snow drop.

We ventured out.  My son made fun of my homemade cloth an email.

He said it wasn't good enough.  Well, I disagree.  Everyone on this street with those expensive masks...has gotten COVID.  Not once but some have gotten it twice. Across the street- three times. She wiped her mail and groceries down with alcohol wipes...... They don't ALWAYS wear a mask.  I do. So, I feel righteous in my indignation.  My "homemade" cloth mask is just fine after THREE YEARS of wear and washing between uses with Dawn and hot water. The cloth has a very tight weave. It holds water when I rinse it.

And, really, if he was THAT worried- buy some of the good paper ones...send them.  Mail goes both ways. I am more than a bit.....unkind today.  I did buy a few groceries that are just for me. Cinnamon Raisin Bagels- the soft ones- I like them toasted with cream cheese. I also got apples.  And more Tangerines.

I have been putting one nice shiny Tangerine on husband's coloring table every afternoon.  He has been eating them....

Chicken Thighs- were 99 cents a pound again. I only got one package.  I could have gotten more and packed the Chicken Thigh Shelf in my freezer......but he may NOT want Chicken Soup in the coming months or years.......the first couple of pots of soup were made with "when ever" frozen thighs. Packed air tight in freezer bags.......then the shelf was empty.  I usually buy the six pack.  Two pots of soup.

Staples.  I really hate that store.  They had three was UPS another was seated and older than me..  I got a box of pens- G10 so  the ink prints fat and juicy.  A large college ruled composition notebook.  I am thinking I might write a book.   Everyone has at least one in them..right?  But I might just write washing machine pages.  That might be a book. Heavily edited. Husband got a very expensive package of multi colored pens........for his coloring book work.

I had taken a photo of the inner workings of the Printer and actually carried the thousand pound (feels like) iPhone with me to Staples and matched the photo with the items on the shelving.  Husband was, of course, selecting the wrong one.  Wrong size and one with colored ink.  Nothing needs colored ink.  Black.  Black as my Heart.

I have a very full basket of husband's clothing in the shower...wanting to be washed.  He drops off every item of clothing he wears after using the snowblower.  They all smell of gasoline. He smells like gasoline.

I missed Trump at CPAC.  I wasn't watching TV yesterday. I'll watch today- Law and Order.

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