Sunday, January 22, 2023

Field Notes- Sunday, January 22nd. Chilly. Snow everywhere but the clean steps, sidewalks (my own) and driveway..

 The Moon.  My supply of photos from the free photo site is running low.  I had way too many and it clogged up the computer- wasn't able to shut down.  So I had to do some computer house cleaning. Cleaning out the deleted files.  This image is very soothing.....

I need to cook today.  Chop vegetables etc.  Husband has Soup.  I am not sure what I want to have. Yesterday I finally had a second meal of pancakes.  Not the best choice but it involved only mixing dry with water and cooking.  I was up to doing just that.  Today I will try to actually make something. It might be macaroni and cheese-(Kraft)... I didn't buy Pizza Dough.  Not even Football Pizza.

We gave up on ordering pizza long ago.... mine is better. Even with store bought dough.

Tomorrow is grocery day.  My list is now two post it notes long. Husband needs more soup noodles. The major percentage of his Food Groups is Pasta.

I am thinking it's time for my friend down the street and I to have Lunch. Wine. Whine. Dessert.

I did another load of wash.  I still have one to go.  The sweater I have on is disintegrating as I wear it. By the Day.  The Hour.  The Minute.

My Plan, dear Readers, was that my Beloved Sweaters would last as long as I did.  My Plan......well, I can see that I will live longer than the sweaters........and that is terrible news. I recall the sorrow in Riley's eyes as I mended- repeatedly- his little squirrel and rabbit fur toys....But..the toys did survive him. I say hello to them each time I open the little shoe closet.......they all are on the eye level shelf..... that's where I will fold and stack the sweaters when they give up.....when I give up.......add their Future to the Estate Book. Yes, I am feeling my AGE today.....I am tired.  Cold.  I need to chose a book.......Football later today.


  1. I suppose the only ONE good thing about being a diabetic on insulin is that I always eat 3 balanced meals a day, portion controlled and always on time. Unfortunately after 30 years it hasn’t taught me to love cooking – Blech….. 😊

  2. I think, in order to LOVE cooking-- one has to have a appreciative audience wanting to eat the food you make.
    I had that with the children. I don't have that with my husband. I cook for him but never EAT what I cook for him.
