Monday, January 09, 2023

Field Notes- Monday January 9th. Sunshine, Snow frozen on the ground. 30 degrees.

 Nest of shredded paper, thread?  Perhaps some cloth scraps.  

Sunday paper had a list of ways to "start fresh" in the kitchen.  I worked on number 1.  Replace old spices. I went thru my cluttered Spice Drawer and removed the bottles that had expired- some years ago.  I open them and dumped the contents in the compost bucket (the birds might like them???).  Then the glass bottles went into the recycling container.  I used to cook.  I don't now.  So....I am not replacing the spices.  I still have 60% of the drawer to work my way thru....... then I have to "test" my leaving items.  See if they still foam and bubble.  And then think about what to put in the new empty drawer.

My book yesterday was one I read a year or two ago.  A young woman dressed like Betty Crocker in a petticoat, heels and cute full skirted dress- has a newly opened Cupcake and Fancy Cocktail restaurant next to an Ax Throwing Bar..  I've read the book.  He starts with self help class offerings, moves on to fake dog poop and buy one get one coupons.  I know how it ends this I can relax and enjoy the fun. title: Kiss My Cupcake.

Watched as much of as many football games as we could the worst teams got to the finals is beyond me. Cincinnati won.  Detroit (OMG) won????  The rest are just a blur.  I was up and down and changing channels and making chicken soup during all of this. 

Brazil.  Taking a page out of the January 6th playbook.  Gift that keeps on Giving.

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