Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Field Notes- Sunshine, Cold, Light Snow Cover.

 Haven't made any yet. Pancakes.  I am sick.  Coughing and a mild fever.  DayQuil and NyQuil.  Started on Monday morning.  Well, Sunday overnight with muscle aches.  Uncomfortable sleeping. I am very tired.  

I don't know what it is or how I might have gotten any germs.  I wear my mask out in public. But perhaps I should be washing it after each use?  I took Dayquil an hour ago and feel okay now that it has taken effect. Before that I was coughing.  It's an "unproductive" cough.

I watched the PBS series Magpie Murders yesterday.  It was reasonably okay.  Confusing. The last one left in my file is Scarlett something......those are usually good.  then the files will be empty.  I have the Little Women movie recorded.  I liked it.  When I saw it at the movies just before COVID lockdown.

I have books but haven't felt like reading.  I would enjoy a nap.  But I have Law and Order to watch and then Soccer.  Coughing again.  I need a big mug of Sweet Tea.......

I made a second batch of Chicken Soup for husband.  Which is great.  

Football Game last night was miserable.  They won but geez......  Well, I feel sleepy.  


  1. SARS has been on the news now. Please take care. I wash my cloth masks and use hand sanitizer after being out and then washing hands good when I get home. I also have disposable masks.

    Glad to hear the chicken soup is working out. I made lentil soup yesterday.

  2. I wash my cloth masks after each use. I like TheraFlu it has acetaminophen in it. Also (and this is so old school) vaporub on the chest. My mother always had us drink hot jello. And then a bit of whiskey mixed with lemon juice and honey. To this day I can’t stand the smell of whiskey.

  3. We used to get the Vapo Rub and a flannel cloth stuck down on top of it when we were little.
    The three of us in the same bedroom- so when One got sick- we all got sick.
    No one ever gave us jello and whiskey shots.........making me laugh.

    Yes, it was mistake on my part to not wash the mask each time I wore it. It has been washed.....

  4. I have been coughing so much that I feel like someone punched me in the stomach for days. Dry cough. I think I am on day 5. NO FUN.

  5. Have you been tested for covid? There is something you can take to lessen the symptoms. It’s hard to know because symptoms are very similar between covid. RVS and the flu. Hope you feel better today
