Friday, November 04, 2022

Field Notes- November 4th. Another Friday. Sunshine and almost all the leaves have left the trees.

 I think this image is of a Cobbler?  Peaches and Blueberries????

No comments on the last few posts.  Few Readers.  I am guessing the Politics are taking attention....

I just finished a very good book..... The Royals Next Door.  Bodyguard (British) and a third grade teacher. A new book The Royals Upstairs should be coming out this month.  Next up is Connie's recommendation-- Out of the Clear Blue Sky.  Connie has NEVER steered me wrong on books or anything else.  It took forever for me to find and reserve a copy....and then I had to wait....and wait..... but good things come to those who are patient.

I am patiently waiting for my I Voted Sticker to show up.  It was in my pocket.  Now it isn't.

I did a load of wash.  Folded the stuff I had forgotten in the dryer ages ago.  Folded today's washing. And now I am sitting here with you.  I keep saying I must make soup.  I don't make soup.  And then when I get hungry...I regret not making soup......until the next day......repeat. I did select and cook a bag of pasta for husband to add to his Chicken Parm dinners.  He was pleased. When He found it all ready to use in the fridge. 

I can be nice.  Not often.  But I can do it.

I sharpened all my husband's colored pencils.  He was happy.  He also has nice desserts and is enjoying the $50 plus flavored coffee pods I bought him for his Keurig.  His birthday is this all month I do nice things....... It's only the 4th.  I might get tired long before the end of the month.

He didn't remember my birthday but I expected that as he hardly remembered it. Ever. Even when it's on the calendar.

I read once that in marriage one is the Kisser and one is the one being Kissed.  I was getting kissed quite a lot during the months prior to getting married.  Then not much all. Then never.