I didn't realize I had not posted yesterday- until five seconds ago!!!! I shocked myself when I saw that. I must be losing brain cells faster than I assumed. Truly...I feel older and more frail by the day.
Well, yesterday.....the jigsaw puzzle got finished. I did two loads of wash. I ate the last remaining thanksgiving leftovers, and the porch wreaths- 48 inches wide and heavy- were carried from the Garage Attic by the Twin's Dad and hung on the hooks and plugged in. We had them on last night. Gorgeous.
Also, DebL will be happy to learn, I MET and CHATTED with my new next door neighbor. My husband is going to feed and visit her two cats when she goes away for Christmas Eve/ Christmas Day. She asked me but I was truthful.....I don't like cats. She and husband are camping out in the room above the garage. Her kitchen is no where near finished. The ceiling had to be structurally "rebuilt" which means the second story of her house is...not what it should be????. Classic Money Pit.
The house across the street #11 (identical to next door) had the dining room ceiling fall in recently.........so, the builder was "excellent". Yes, the ceiling just came down on her table and chairs........ fascinating. Same would have happened to the new neighbor.
I am having lunch with another owner of an identical house #1 and the Twins live in yet another one #5 of these houses (so I spoke to all four same house owners yesterday). From the story I heard long ago (and far away).......four lots were left when all the custom homes (one of a kind) had been finished and a builder came in and threw up identical houses on the four vacant and not so great (swampy) lots.
My house was the first built on this "formerly" swampy/ crap tree covered piece of Earth. It was quite "something" as it was being built. The "basement" filled with water as it was being dug.........which is why I have a crawl space and no basement.
The cement truck sunk into the muddy road when they dug the foundation.....the fire department came to haul the cement truck out and the BIG fire engine sunk into the mud...........yep......my house is well known in the community. My husband visited Town Meetings (and spoke) until the Town actually PAVED our street a few years ago. I had forgotten that. Squeaky Wheel and all that. Forty years after construction.
I had to refill my 1970's pewter peppermill this morning. It has lots of moveable parts. Parts that are held down by a spring. It was a SUBSTANTIAL JOB. Finding stuff that had SPRUNG FREE when I loosen the nut on the screw. It's all back together and grinding just fine.
I learned my lesson last time.....I didn't open it in the sink..........and then have to reach into the disposal thingy looking for a small screw........
Poor cats. Go with him. There has to be one responsible adult in the room.