Friday, October 21, 2022

Field Notes- Friday, October 21st. Furnace is on. Sun is out. Husband running the sweeper over the lawn. Picking up leaves and acorns.

 A kit for sale on a website.  I have all of these things.  A Canadian website.

The running stitch. I can never keep it even.  Some short. Some long.  And I am a very very picky Virgo. So this image is taunting me. Another blogger sent me down the Gee's Bend Rabbit Hole.  I adore those quilts and I know I would adore the women.  I saw them on tv once.  They reminded me of Georgia. That soft way of speaking.  The way they just picked up a fabric and started sewing.  None of that "does this go with that nonsense".  I wish I could be like that.  But I have too much.  They were using old clothing scraps.  What they had.

It's cold.  In the house.  Sunshine outdoors.  My cross the street neighbor dropped her Garden Produce Allotment (from a Garden Share) here last evening in the dark of night.  She is going away for the weekend.  I have a Watermelon Radish.  A small bag of lovely fresh tasty kale leaves- I ate some of them immediately- three green onions- now soaking their roots in a pint canning jar with a half inch of water.  Spinach leaves. And a small Butternut Squash.  A handful of Parsley.

My internet feed has sent me a "good morning" Butternut Squash recipe.  Butternut Mac and "cheese". When this happens I get very paranoid.  Like the internet is watching me or something.  I rarely have a Butternut in the house.

I usually put the Life of my Fingers in DANGER when cutting up Butternut Squash.  But I love it roasted with olive oil and salt and pepper.  It never actually becomes anything but that.  Roasted.  Eaten.  Not even allowed to cool off.  So.....I've eaten half the bag of Kale leaves (raw and green like snack food) and am planning on eating the Butternut as soon as I can get it into the oven.  The Radish will go nicely with my cheese and crackers later in the day.  Then I'll just have Spinach and Parsley to work with.  I am thinking of rolling the parsley into a cigar shape and wrapping it in plastic wrap and into the freezer.  A Slice or two off the frozen roll- into my next attempt at SOUP.  In exchange:  We watch over our neighbor's house and collect her newspapers and mail.

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