Sunday, September 04, 2022

Field Notes- Sunday September 4th. Picked almost a dozen cucumbers in the garden.


Well, that was my laugh of the day.

I supplied the Twins and their parents with cucumbers and found out they are making pickles today.  So I lent them four pint canning jars, lids etc.  Then she needed white vinegar and I sent it home with one of the Twins who was visiting husband in the back garden.  I don't know what they talk about but the Twins love visiting him.  

Oddly enough...husband never had ANY time to spend with his own small children.....ever.

I am just going to eat the cucumbers  I picked for myself naked.  Salt.  I'm not making anything with them. The sour cream cucumber salad wasn't eaten.   The Peach Cobbler is finished.  I picked the finally 5 peaches off the tree and tossed the 11 half eaten ones in the grass--into the woods.  Deer or other animals.  Wild Life.  We have, in days past, had raccoons.  Cute but still wild animals. Rabies.

The jigsaw puzzle I selected isn't that great.  Tomorrow I will return it. Today we'll still try to finish it. The three pieces of top outside edge puzzle is puzzling US. The pieces we still have- don't fit together. Don't fit in the space.............The pieces already together, fit together.  A Puzzling Puzzle.

That's it for today. AC units got turned off yesterday.  In the 70's outside.  Breezy. Much cooler at night. A brief few days of not listening to the AC units.

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