Saturday, August 27, 2022

Field Notes- Saturday, August 27th. It rained. A lot. with thunder and lightning. yesterday

 Here we are- near the end of August.  Everything is 'back to school" etc. And Political.

My Master Gardener friend and classmate was here yesterday.  I fed her Peach Cobbler and made her a cup of coffee.  My own favorite coffee mug slipped out off my fingers and broke on the cement front porch where we were sitting.   I loved that cup.........

We sat outside on the porch- she has had COVID many times.  I hesitate to go places with her but did go strawberry picking. weeks ago- it was outdoors so felt safe except for the car ride.

We had a long conversation.  Her right shoulder is still not completely healed.  She fell on an icy slope at someone's house.  They didn't have property insurance to cover accidents (or they had a super high deductible) so she has paid out all the medical bills herself. The co-pays on each therapy visit are wiping her out.  I would offer to help her   but....she wouldn't take it and the offer might end the friendship- which is stretched pretty thin as it is.......

She left at the first roll of thunder.  About 30 minutes later it started to rain.  Everything is well watered.

I finished reading a book about a Jewish Matchmaker.  Who falls in love with a man who is not Jewish. Mr. Perfect On Paper.   I found a list of ..."if you liked this book you might like these".....and ordered them all.  Five, I think. Some are still in transit from other libraries.... Different.  But I am enjoying them. And I can't recall which book I had read that led to this list........serendipity.

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