Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Field Notes- Tuesday, July 19th- It rained yesterday. Softly which allowed the dry ground to soak it up.

 I watched the news.  Yesterday.  Saw Europe burning.  Saw London sweltering at nearly 100 degrees. No one has air-conditioning.  Well, when I was there- few had it.  

Grocery yesterday.  I got Black Plums (the bag (Canadian) was marked on as Prunes- possibly the French word) but they didn't have the shape of the prune plums my grandmother had on several trees. Plums which I ate even though they often had tiny green worms in by the stone.  Plum Kuchen. The large family next door had a sour cherry tree- huge- some of the older children climbed and picked.  Climbed without shoes or ropes.  We had Sour Cherry Pie.

I loved that house and I loved the big family next door and the Rag Man and his cart and slow moving horse.  And I loved the smell of the whiskey and strong coffee in the cup I carried to my Grandfather- still in bed.  He had a drinking problem.  It's an inherited quality in my family. My youngest brother took it further into drugs......and worse. So much worse.

So...I felt rather guilty having gentle rain falling on the garden and lawn as I watched Europe on fire.

Today's entertainment is ME waiting to see if TruGreen shows up at MY address or goes elsewhere.  "Trudy" called yesterday to remind me that they were coming today. Husband asked why they were coming and I answered-- quite honestly---I have no idea why......if they show up- great....if they go elsewhere I will call Trudy and let her know.........not to send a bill.

Daughter found a hardback copy of Longbourne (behind the stairs version of Pride and Prejudice with the servants speaking) for $2.50 at Goodwill.  I am ever so happy.  I loved reading it but my library doesn't have it on the shelves.  So we have to borrow from other libraries that do keep books on their shelves.


  1. I too feel a little guilty having mild weather here in WA while the world is withering in extreme heat. Most do not have AC here because we only have a week of hot weather ... well, that was the case as long as I have lived here. Last year it was pretty hot for a couple of days, minor compared to living in a concrete city in the heat.
    By the time we accept what is going on with the climate, I fear it will be too late. Hell, it might be too late now. :(

  2. I like the change from ”Daily Notes” to “Field Notes”.

  3. Yes me too to the name change - I thought something was different but couldn't put my finger on what it was exactly... duh - LOL!

  4. Oh my I have fond memories of a Plum Kuchen my mother used to make - loved it. Never encountered anyone else make it - could it be a European thing? because she was born in Germany. She never taught me how to make it or left any recipes behind. Sadly we never had much of a relationship.
