Sunday, July 31, 2022

Field Notes- Sunday July 31st. Sunday paper. Watering Peach Trees. Mosquito bite. 80 degrees.

 Choosing Garden Dirt Fabric.  I went with the one with the yellow stripe and the brown bean like spots..  Contrasts well with the carrots.

Grocery Store.  Again.  I was hungry.  I needed a few carrots, celery and onion to make the Tucci pasta. I had nothing in the vegetable drawer.  I still have plums. And half a baby watermelon.  But none of that mixes well with "finely diced tomatoes" and pasta.  I could have eaten the pasta with butter and cheese. I could have but I didn't want to........

And it was delicious as always (the pasta).  Then I ate the second of three Blue Bunny Tiny Sundaes.  Excessively Sweet. One more to go. Then NEVER Again. I drink about a quart of cold water after.

I am hip deep in this Summer's obsession.  Reading every variant of Pride and Prejudice I can get my hands on.  Not every author will admit to it.  You have to let it creep up on you.  And then BAM!! it's all you can see or read or think about.  Woven into a modern plot with modern characters doing things Jane never considered.

I need to do a load of wash today.  I took a shower and noticed the laundry basket was FULL. (the laundry basket resides in my walk in shower between showers)  I have on clean clothes.  No food stains. (it's still early)  My hair has been washed and conditioned. Sort of staying put. Not bunching up in the back from my recumbent position on the couch (reading).......

Husband is looking around confused.  He's going to water the garden.  Been two days so he is anxious to get out there.  He now has his hat.  He also wears a bag of water on his back with a way to drink the water as he needs it. Stay hydrated.  Now he's disappeared......... 

I am finishing Eligible today.  Not many pages left and Darcy and Lizzie are still not together even though they have had "I hate you" sex four times after running miles together. (no shower). She also tells him not to talk.

 Jane and Chip have gotten back together  and everyone is going to be on the Wedding Reality Show -Eligible for the Big Wedding.  That makes three times Chip has been on the show. GAK.  I can't imagine why Darcy would participate (best man)...........but Jane's entire WACKA MOLE family is flying out..... This has to be the all time best adaption of Pride and Prejudice.  Daughter, I think, said she found me a copy at the resale book store.  Would be lovely to own a copy.

Next up.  The Wedding Crasher. Gal walks up during ceremony to say "this is a mistake"..........oops!

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