Friday, July 01, 2022

Daily Notes- Friday, July First. 9:40 am--- No breezes. Going to be humid.

 My kids used to make things like this at school.  Made me very happy to have things like this on display. I think I still have the faded remnants of some of their Art in the Attic storage boxes.  Unless the mice ate all the paste.

Yesterday.  Oh, baby.  It was a doozie.

Trying to keep husband from doing unsafe things in the heat and humidity.  Trying to keep him alive. And then,...when he is 500% oppositional....I wonder WHY I want to keep him alive......... which makes me feel bad.  He's still alive this morning but I nearly killed the John Deere guy with the garage door.  Not my best day. It was an accidental thing.

First of all.  It was hot and humid.  Yesterday.  Not a GREAT DAY for a guy with one.... sort of..working lung.  (the other lung is full of (bubbles) of liquid- not oxygen)  But he was pig headed and stubborn and went anyway.  Then the blade fell off the riding mower- AGAIN..  I still had the "as yet unpaid" bill from the riding mower's last visit to John Deere.  He took the parts that fell off to John Deere in Town along with the bill.

I was eating ice cream and watching Draper lose his Tennis Match at Wimbledon. Good Looking Guy.

When what to my wondering eyes does appear...but the John Deere hauling truck......In my driveway (husband has not come home).  I went out and pushed the garage door opener- only the garage door was already open....and nearly crushed the John Deere driver's head.  I kept apologizing for nearly killing him.

He was a very very good sport about it.  He also had the key to our mower and he got on it and drove it onto the hauling trailer......... Husband returned and...well, I got what he actually remembered of what happened- not much.  Everyone looked at the blade and the bolt that had fallen off the newly worked on the back room.  and I guess they sent the hauler to go get the mower......and they read the words I had written on the invoice- I never intended them to read those words.....anyway.... .....John Deere is not talking......and the mower is...not here.

And it's hot and husband will AGAIN want to mow the grass. (with the walk behind).... To Live or Let Die??   I can see why older married women DAY DRINK and are eventually Widows. Several Icy Gin and Tonics sound about right.  I just need a LIME......... 

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