Friday, June 17, 2022

Daily Notes- Friday, June 17th- sunshine, grass cutting, peach tree watering.

 From the cover of a mending book- Mending Directory?

Too neat and tidy for me.  Who am I?  I was always into neat and tidy and now...well, I am wanting strange and messy.

Daughter stopped over. after work..after picking up a few treasures at the GTown Dump after work..  Another two cup mug- the first was bright golden yellow and this new one is Pure White.  One for Coffee and one for Tea. She also found a jigsaw puzzle. 1000 tiny pieces.......not for 75 year old people who wear bifocals.  But the real star of the Dump Run was a perfect men's Large Cashmere Sweater. Never worn.  No signs of it being worn. It's even Grey  No buttons- a half zipper.  Me or Husband.

She scanned the fridge for Chicken Salad and gleefully took the last container home. Good Trade, huh?

The Recently Purchased House Next Door had New Windows delivered this morning.  When we got "New Windows" I took A LOT OF SHIT from the neighbors when I changed out the windows.  They aren't wood framed.  There was mumbled threats of the Covenant Rules.  Which were something someone typed but never had in legal form or signed by any of the home owners.

The Guys working on the house are still arriving at 7am.  Hammering at 7am.  Next to our bedroom windows.

The Twins Dad (a lawyer) has waxed poetic about our windows.  They are quite wonderful.  And he hasn't even been inside the house to see the view from the back........

The Peaches on the Peach Trees are growing larger each time I go out to set the Sprinklers on.  I am working on my Homemade Squirrel Terrorizing Project.  I worked with glue today. And it involves Christmas Ornaments.  Shiny.   It might work.

Suddenly...very dark in the house.  I need to turn on lights.  Storm and Rain coming in......faster than expected.

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