Thursday, May 12, 2022

Daily Notes- Thursday, May 12th--- A very Sunny, Warm Day

 I love vegetables.   Isn't this a most excellent piece of Art?

We got up early for my Dental Appointment at 8:50.  Teeth Cleaning.  Next visit will be X-rays, repair of a chipped tooth and teeth cleaning.   It was an excellent experience but tired me out.

Next week, on Thursday a 90 minute Eco-cardiogram (I might not have the name right).  They didn't want to wait.  I think they might have been right not to wait.

Then the Library to return books and select ONE.  Jamie Oliver's Ultimate Veg.  My Maine PBS station rarely has Oliver's cooking shows in their lineup.  But last Summer they had 4 episodes and it was a delight to see Jamie again.  No longer boyish.  Large family.  Weird but interesting old kitchen.  And I liked the vegetable dishes he made.  So...I can see if any in the book interest me.

I bought baked chicken breasts - healthy- and then finely shredded the meat and added mayo and honey.  Now not so healthy.  But I think the baked chicken was a bit salty- which is another reason not to buy things from the Deli.  But I didn't add any. Salt.  A McDonald's wife from South Carolina made this one week we all met up and enjoyed a Rutland Vermont Summer on a Lake with another McDonald's couple and his daughter and one grandchild and another on the way.  Really old house was full.  I have made and eaten baked chicken like this ever since.   

I was in charge of the Lamb Chops.  I used to make them often for my husband on the grill and I would marinate the chops over night in lemon juice, garlic and really good olive oil.  Packing the chops together in a container. Then I had a way of grilling them- standing the chops up on the bone after getting some grill marks on both sides.  The Vermont Lamb Lovers were sucking the bones.  I did good..

I carried water to the garden for the seeds that have started to sprout.  Very warm today so I will stay in the house.  Read or fall asleep.  Or both.  Supposed to rain Saturday.  Hope it rains on Friday or Sunday- as a two year old is having a birthday party across the street on Saturday.  

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