Sunday, May 22, 2022

Daily Notes- Sunday, May 22nd. Sunshine.

 I paid attention to what's flowering and noticed the lilac's are in blossom.  I like the dark purple of the buds before they open.  These have been in the house since yesterday and are mostly open flowers.

I don't remember making "pickle jar" floral arrangements with lilacs last summer to drop off at neighbor houses..  Perhaps I started later in the season.  The peonies are getting tall and leafy.  Almost June.

Daughter called this morning regarding work husband is doing at her house.  Putting a new door on an old cabinet.  I picked up the bedroom extension as she was listing the things husband was supposed to bring. I started laughing.  She asked why.  I said- Does he actually own a pressure washer?  Or just imagine that he owns one?  Because this is what I deal with.......she was getting a taste of it.  The answer was no. order to attach the door (from the G'Town Dump) to the cabinet- he was going to need to bring a drill, several sizes of drill bits, sandpaper, a level, hinges- he was going to go buy some--- I had him list the items and check them off.  He did NOT come in and ask where his car keys were.  I sort of think he has his phone and wallet with him. I didn't pat him down.  Then I finished my oatmeal and reading the Sunday paper.

Lifetime Movie.  A man captures the wife of his next door neighbor and keeps her a prisoner in his house. Dresses her in 1950's pretty dresses.  They "play house".  She pretends to be obedient.  The husband next door- a regular on Hallmark romantic comedies- just sits and wonders where his wife went.  In a very brutal final few moments the "captive wife" feeds the husband something sticky- his fingers- and then has an idea what numbers on the keypad lock to escape.  In the end she gets free and smashes the guy in the head with something heavy.  The final scene- she visits the guy in prison and gives him the book she wrote about the whole horrid experience.  She leaves and he turns the book over and sees the full page photo of her face and he leans over and starts kissing her picture.   So, so Creepy.  And these are just the snippets I saw as I clicked past looking for something to watch.  Seeing Hallmark actors on Lifetime is very very disturbing. I imagine the sets being next to each other up in Canada. 


  1. Of all the NE plants, I miss lilacs the most. They just can't handle GA weather. We had a fussy white one in the yard in NY that was stingy with its blossoms probably because my mother planted it so close to where the fill for the underground oil tank was. Poor thing struggled. One year, a friend and I drove north all morning and found miles of lilacs growing wild alongside the road. We cut armloads and filled the back of the car because we had both forgotten it was Mother's day and presents were expected.

  2. Lilacs were the first bouquet my husband gave me when we had just started dating.
    I think he cut them out of someone's yard.
