Try Out. I don't know why but I am attracted to gray, white and orange. I should look for a (Gack!!!) orange sweater??? And when did rosy red start looking good with orange????????
No crying this morning. I might have worked my way out of it. I have a strong survival gene, I guess. and we are ordering Chinese takeout today. Wow. (we are one chicken dinner short of a week and Chinese will make it okay (!!!) - working with the memory impaired is like a game of Clue). I have my fingers crossed the the grocery has 7 chicken dinners on Monday's shopping trip or I will have to shop several days next week.
COVID is spiking here in Maine. They are not wearing their masks in group gatherings. People are dying. Not just getting sick...they are dying. This surge as they call it began at Christmas. It's now rolling like a large rock down a steep hill. I point out and read aloud from these stories in the morning a certain man who wants to "go places and see things" gets the hint. It isn't safe.
My daughter went to the local island dump near the places they landscape. Locals call it the Mall. It's just a shack with stuff people no longer want. She found a $300 pair of Bean boots with scuffed toes yesterday. Otherwise brand new. They fit with her inserts and she now has boots for the landscaping season. They looked really nice in the photo she sent. She found a wool and cashmere sweater with leather elbow patches a few years ago. It never fit any of us...but this Christmas it fit someone and they were so very very happy. It's a Maine thing to call the Dump the Mall.
I only got to visit once- while I was helping with landscape work. Only open one day a week. Never my day. But it was interesting. I passed up a citrus squeezing/juicing machine. I would never have used it-but...I still wanted it. It had a sort of Architectural Look. Vintage. Would have cluttered up the counter top- And I don't squeeze Citrus. I--I can't think of the word. I Supreme. Look it up.
There was a wonderful thrift store in my neighborhood that we called Macy's on the Hill. Sadly, gone now.