Saturday, April 16, 2022

Daily Notes- Saturday, April 16th. Overcast Sky and Rain in the Forecast.

 Another painted, peeled, pasted, painted, peeled etc etc canvas.  In my remembrance of canvas and paste- it (canvas) rips when peeled (dry) and brings up anything under it..  And, as I mentioned yesterday, these canvases are like 3 by 5 feet.  So.. large but here on the screen look like that could be notebook paper sized.

I have never worked on anything other than quilts that large.  I went right to large with cloth. 

I was remembering something, someone and someplace from College in the early moments of morning.  Pretty much felt like I was there......It was pretty real. There was conversation. Something that never happened in real life. It felt good to say things. Like the sentences had been waiting.....I am left wondering if the other person woke up this morning with those words in their head?  If that person is still alive.

Then I got out of bed and folded laundry.  Then brushed my teeth and my hair. In that order.  I made a good bowl of oatmeal this morning.  Got it just right.  And my coffee is pretty much good, also.  And it's been awhile since I could say that.  Coffee has been bitter lately.  I have been sort of bitter lately.

The Surveillance Installers were back next door.  Like a whole week of them parked in the driveway..  Yesterday three company vehicles and a private all black, tinted window sedan.  Nothing today...but it's early.  You know...this is getting to be worrisome. Who, exactly, bought this house?  Who is going to be next door?  Who are the cameras going to be recording?  The Twins skateboarding down the street? Rollerblading in the pouring rain?  Me walking to the end of the driveway to get the morning paper?

I don't like it.

In better news- the pink bulbs are flowering so now I have white, two shades of yellow, pink and two shades of blue in the back garden up against the kitchen dining room wall.  The entire bed is flowering bulbs I scooped out of the dumpster at work (it involved climbing in and out).  And planted. Rescued Bulbs. Best kind.

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