Thursday, April 07, 2022

Daily Note- Thursday, April 7th. Overcast- Rain is Coming.

 So...I did the "weather".  Going to grocery for orange juice and then pick up book at library. "what I am doing".  Next on list is "what I did yesterday"- which was rake out the dead leaves from the front bed left of the door and porch.  Next is "something I could have done better"- I am thinking it would be making a better lunch.  I had crackers with cheese and then frozen yogurt gelato.  Didn't hit many food groups.  "One thing that brings me joy"-  Nope, there wasn't anything like that yesterday. a slump.  Started the day remembering something and crying for awhile.  I really hate remembering stuff.  Would be great to remember something that made me happy.

The puzzle is finished.  We are going to buy another one.  Going in a few minutes.  I might be back to tell you about it or I'll tell you tomorrow.  Nothing happening.  Not a good day.

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