Friday, March 25, 2022

Daily Notes- Cloudy with a chance of just being quiet and feeling okay.

 No Mammogram.  Yesterday I went toe to toe with the great white shark of managed health care.  A nameless company BOUGHT our local hospital.  Where the mammogram was to be given today- right now.  I was called- the call very very similar to the endless calls I get from third world call centers.


They wanted my social security number.  Social Security regularly sends letters saying no one needs the number and not to give it out over the phone.  So I said "no".  And the verbal abuse began.  The woman on the phone was also pissed that my phone number -which she called- was a LAND LINE.  Not a cell phone which she could attach herself to to make my Life a Misery till the End of Time with texts and emails..

Later, the mammogram lab director called.  To apologize.  She did say I could come in and have the mammogram but that...after the mammogram--- the calls and harassment would be endless. She had gotten calls from women experiencing the harassment. Her voice was sad, exhausted and lifeless.  This was her job. Her employment.  And she could see it was going

My eye doctor is part of the same hospital.  Monday.  I may not be having an eye exam either.

My Primary Care Doctor gave up-quit.  Harassment vs Mammogram.  Eye Exam????

I am reading a CIS gender novel.  We/They/Them.  Of one character who is very tall and muscular. The other who is she/her/me is a female for sure who likes women.  I am one third in and know zero about we/they/them.  The author is only discussing the identifiers but not the person being identified as to history, interests, back story etc..  I have read books with people identifying sexually in any number of ways. I have no problem with reading these books and enjoying the characters and story.  This book ....I don't know who decided to publish it.  But I have given up.

I watched my Waltz Movie and then Jodie Foster in Contact.  To get myself back to somewhere okay yesterday.  Little Woman, an excellent 2019 movie, is on FX today at 7pm.  I am recording it on Tivo. I saw it in the local theater (the one that is now boarded up and closed).  Something to look forward to.

My oatmeal was good.  And I have Little Women ahead of me. Will have to be enough. 

1 comment:

  1. OMG, who else can you complain to? Someone in your local government? call the tv station, record the next phone call with harassment? That is horrible.
