Saturday, February 12, 2022

Daily Notes- Saturday, February 12th. Cloudy with a chance of 50 degrees.

 Art by a film illustrator.  Children's movies are so colorful and fun.  I did like Bugs Bunny and the Roadrunner in the Olden Days and the Glorious old Sleeping Beauty movie..

The Curling continues to disappoint.  I"d really like Mixed Double Doubles.  Two men and two women on a team. The Teams are just so disappointing- for me and for themselves--making so many mistakes.  And a few of the teams look like they fell out of bed minutes before the match begins- not even showering or fixing their hair.  Jet Lag- difficulty with the accommodations????  Haggard faces.  Dull eyes.  

My Sports Talk Shows- they are ragging on the Bengals.  You know I don't care for that.  

And I seem to have a rash on my eyelids.  Which is not a great start to the weekend.  Usually it's an allergy or I rubbed my eyes with something on my hands that the skin doesn't like.

I am pretty SURE it's from STRESS.

Husband asked if I had White Out to cover a mistake on his coloring book page.  I said no.  I have never used  or purchased White Out.  He kept looking...... then as I walked past like 10 minutes later he asks "Do you have any White Out?"  I inquired but he had no memory of asking me a perfect day.....

I still haven't made myself a dessert. I feel inert.  I did reheat a bowl of vegetable soup for my late lunch/early supper yesterday after the White Out Incidents..  Today- to celebrate it being 50 degrees, I am having a gigantic Swiss and Romaine Lettuce Sandwich.  Big as my Head.  Well, not really.  But lots of Romaine.  And some Benadryl.  Not a good day.


  1. ssorry!
    white out = exacto knife


  2. What a lovely surprise, Joanne! Thank you so much for the valentine. Thank you more than I can say for thinking of me. I must admit that I'm struggling right now with the loss of my sister and trying to be here for my BIL and nephew. Your valentine was such a bright spot in my days.
