Thursday, January 13, 2022

Daily Notes- Off to a Bad Start. Trying Desperately to Calm Down.

 Actually there were two pillows I looked at (you will see the second tomorrow).  This one with the bird on red background.  I was thinking it would be nice to replace a few pillows.  On the couches.  And these are colors I have used in the past. And I have a cranberry slipcover for the couch that faces me-- and would it be the one getting the pillows.

If I would be living alone in a small place while husband elsewhere - would this couch with new pillows be too large for my new space? Yes....I don't think I will stay in this huge house alone.  Son can't live here in Maine as the internet is quite awful and not suited to his work needs.

I finished up the food I had made for myself and now need to think of something new to make.  Husband is still eating the Chicken Parm so I only have to make something for myself.  I bought lettuce.  For salads. But when it's 12 degrees outside- not really salad weather. I promised we would have pizza today. And so we will. I can have salad with mine. Thought I do like the salad with pizza to have Caesar dressing. And I do not have any.

It's been a very rough DAY so far. (not even 1pm)  There were raised voices and angry words.  And I know these sorts of days will be commonplace as Time goes on........ In the Gamache book...a wife suggests to her husband that he pack his suitcase for a trip they are taking.  She has the case open on their bed and her husband starts packing.  He isn't going anywhere.  When he's asleep, the wife unpacks the suitcase.  They do this each day as - it gives him something to do.  

It's amazing there will be few sentences, a paragraph in a book that is like a message in a book (not a bottle) to help me get thru a day or a week or a month.  Perhaps even a year. Or many years.

We watched PBS last night.  The scientist with the Octopus in a large tank in his house.  Then butterflies which seem to hold the materials needed to get us thru Global Warming. And finally, the Pacific Ocean.

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